Webinar: Reaching Nations in the USA Through Sports

Description of webinar:  The Great Commission is clear that we are to “Go to all nations and make disciples”. God is brining many different nations around the world to the United States. He has given us a great opportunity to reach so many nations without even leaving our communities and cities. During our webinar we will focus on how we can use the platform of sport to reach and begin the disciple making process with the international community of our country. You will be given practical tools and strategies that will help you begin reaching nations in your city.

Presenters:  Roman and Pavel Khripunov are on a mission to see self-sustainable disciple making movements happen among refugees and immigrants living in the United States. By God’s sovereign providence, they relocated to Houston as religious refugees due to severe persecutions that we were happening in their home country of Uzbekistan. God has given them a huge passion for sports and the ability to use this amazing international language to reach nations for Christ. Over the course of a decade, they have piloted various models and strategies of sport ministry that have been multiplied to over 27 cities of the United States as well as 35 countries around the world. These models and strategies are simple, inexpensive, and effective in going and making disciples of all nations.

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