Re-Imagining STM

Friday, 1:30 – 2:45 PM

Presented by: Jen Schepens & David Nishizaki

The world is changing rapidly. Can we say the same for our Short-term missions strategy? Reimagining Short-term Missions is a collection of innovative practices and wisdom from the experiences of 70 long-term missionaries who’ve hosted thousands of STM participants over the last 10 years through Envision of the Christian & Missionary Alliance. What if we could make a few significant shifts that could make STM more effective, and possibly even more life changing for people all over the world, and for the participants themselves? Reimagining Short-term Missions will discuss the necessary shifts in how we see ourselves, our trips, our hosts, and our mission. We hope to bring to the forefront and spark conversation around the questions we all have when it comes to STM. Who’s this really for? How does STM impact local communities? Should we focus resources on long-term work?

Primary Audience: Anyone involved in leading, hosting, training, and/or organizing STM trips and teams

Jen Schepens
David Nishizaki

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