New Website is UP!

On March 15th we flipped the switch to enable the new web site and a new back-end membership system. We anticipate some turbulence, so please stay seated and keep your seat belt fastened. If all goes to plan (pray!) we will be up and running soon.


  • Member-only pages that easily allow you to take in recorded material without going through a shopping cart process
  • Functional membership directories so you can connect with other members
  • Self-management of the people utilizing membership benefits within your church or organization
  • Fully functional on your phone and tablet

Your Password

You can obtain a password using the “Need a password?” that is below the login form. The “DNS” records are propagating as this is being typed so it might take a few hours before the system can send you email. If you have an active membership we hope you are in the system and a password will be emailed to you. If not then please contact us.

Communication Preferences

We have attempted to transfer email preferences. Some “suppression lists” were able to transfer but some were not. We are sorry if you receive email that you do not want as a result of this change. Please update these preferences (you don’t have to wait until the new system is live). More information can be found by clicking here.

Thanks for your prayers and support. We are a small staff and this is a big project for us!

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