Heading Roughly West: Discovering, Gaining Commitment to, and Perpetuating a Common Vision
Description: Heading Roughly West: Discovering, Gaining Commitment to, and Perpetuating a Common Vision
Heading Roughly West: Discovering, Gaining Commitment to, and Perpetuating a Common Vision in a Mission Organization
James E. Plueddemann, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
October 3, 2008
According to management gurus Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, the principle job of a leader is to get the herd heading roughly west. In Search of Excellence. When I took over the leadership of SIM my predecessor reminded me that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. The greatest danger for a leader is that the organization will drift from the vision while perfecting outdated strategies.
The webinar will provide insights into how leader can discover, gain commitment to and perpetuate vision. We will investigate: The role of leadership in discovering vision. Differentiating goals and vision aligning program activities with the vision evaluating the effectiveness of strategy and vision. James E. Plueddemann is Professor and Chair of the Department of Missions, Evangelism and Intercultural Studies Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Jim teaches leadership in the Intercultural doctoral program. He served for 13 years with his wife Carol as a missionary in Nigeria and then taught education and leadership courses at Wheaton Graduate School for another 13 years. Prior to his current position, Jim served as the International Director of SIM for 10 years. He is the author of several books. His newest book being published by Inter Varsity Press is titled Leadership in the Global Church.