Great Quotes on the Great Commission


These are some of the memorable phrases in the Great Commission. While most of us can recite these famous words, it is another thing entirely to walk faithfully in them. We need the encouragement of those who have gone before us. Take a moment to look at the Great Commission in light of these powerful quotes and be encouraged in your outreach.

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<p><a href=""><strong>Great Quotes on the Great Commission</strong></a><br />These are some of the memorable phrases in the Great Commission. While most of us can recite these famous words, it is another thing entirely to walk faithfully in them. We need the encouragement of those who have gone before us. Take a moment to look at the Great Commission in light of these powerful quotes and be encouraged in your outreach.

Engaging through Prayer
Dear God, so often we feel weak and unable to act boldly in your Name. We pray that the words of faithful men and women throughout the ages would give us courage to reach out and share the hope we have in you. Amen

Personal Reflection
When was the last time you had the chance to share your faith with a friend or even a stranger? How did God use your words and actions in their lives and your own? Maybe your most recent opportunity was a ‘missed opportunity’ because you did not step up and speak out. Those are hard moments to remember, but they are a real part of our lives as believers. Take a moment to read the Great Commission in light of these words from powerful believers who have gone before us. Ask God to speak to you through these quotes and through the words of Jesus. Then with that renewed energy and boldness, be ready to represent your Savior in this fallen world.

Engaging the Church
What quotes are being shared within your church community this week? You may be hearing from famous Christian leaders, advocates for justice or Biblical scholars. But what about those championing the Great Commission? Are they in the mix? Use this simple infographic to identify key quotes you can share in bulletins, email newsletters, tweets and Facebook posts. If you have a platform to engage your church, you can inspire and encourage with these powerful quotes. Also consider purchasing the book with hundreds more powerful missions quotes at:

Organizational Application
Sometimes “the New” and “the Next” can be the focus of our organization’s thinking. Because of our desire to move forward and make progress, we discount what has come before. But so many times the past can inform the future. Consider how you might use these Great Commission quotes within your organization to frame some of your new strategies and directions. How do these words shed new light on your thinking? What have these saints and missionary minds learned that you can benefit from today? Remember that many in your organizations may never have heard these famous quotes and some of these challenges might be just as new as the latest book being published or video going viral on social media. Don’t miss out on the great riches of those who have championed the Faith!

Source  Marv Newell, Expect Great Things (William Carey Library, 2013)

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