8 Myths About Missions and What They Mean for the Church


The Peer2Peer gathering featured Steve Richardson, President of Pioneers USA (www.pioneers.org), as he shared with us from his new book Is the Commission Still Great?

Steve helped us dismantle myths that obscure God’s great plan. The Great Commission’s task of global disciple-making is the most ambitious project ever undertaken. Given the scale and complexity of global missions, it’s no wonder that misconceptions abound, even among invested, godly people.

Questions and skepticism about missions arise from both outside and inside the church. Is missions an outdated idea? Do missionaries do more harm than good? Are we succeeding or failing? Is it time for global believers to do the job in their own countries with minimal Western involvement? We don’t need to fear questions like these. But we do need to seek—and find—solid, biblical answers.

About Our Speaker

Steve Richardson grew up in Indonesia, where his parents served in a jungle tribe. Their family story is told in his father’s missionary classic, Peace Child. Steve and his wife, Arlene, led a network of church-planting teams in Southeast Asia before he became president of Pioneers-USA in 1999. Pioneers has about 3,000 members impacting over 500 unreached people groups. The Richardsons have been blessed with four daughters and eleven grandchildren.

Instagram: @pioneersusa https://www.instagram.com/pioneersusa/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/pioneersusa

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