Webinar: Writing for Social Change: How the Right Words at the Right Time and Place Transform Us


A Peer-2-Peer Webinar for Communications and Marketing Professionals

Do you have a deep hope that our broken world can change for the better? I do. And I believe that the words we use and sentences we write are crucial in moving individuals and societies forward. This webinar, Writing for Social Change, will enable you to understand how the language we use in our writing is critical to the process of positive social change. Writers are change leaders and must step up to that challenge.


Tim Morgan, an award-winning journalist, is a professor at Gordon College, Wenham, and he teaches journalism, essay writing, communication theory, and other subjects. He has trained journalists and writers from more than 20 countries. His work has appeared in Christianity Today, Religion News Service, Christian Century, AG News Service, Associated Press, UPI,  Books & Culture, The Roys Report, and Journey Through NYC Religion. He is co-author of “The Joy of Working at Home,” published during the COVID pandemic. He’s been active in local church leadership in small groups, music ministry, and lay leadership.

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