Webinar: How Great is the Need for Care in Developing Resilience Among our Workers?


How resilient are our cross cultural workers?
Why are many coming home early from their kingdom service?
How can we impact the current reality through effective development and care?
Join the conversation with Geoff Whiteman, Faith De LaCour, and Vern Salter


Faith De La Cour, the former Chief People Office for SIM, is now an organizational and member care mentor. She currently is the sherpa for the People Care and Development track at Missio Nexus.
Geoff Whiteman is the Director of Research to Valeo. His research into the heart of what makes a resilient worker is seminal, and a must read.
Vern Salter
 is the Director of Care and Special Projects for MTI. After 27 years with the Navigators, he launched a member care group (Smith & Salter Consultants) with 

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