Categories: Book Reviews, EMQ, Section, Volume 39 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Two Reviews: If God Should Choose / Hostage
We marvel at the faith of the ancient martyrs, but do we recognize those of today? Read these books about modern Christians who forsook all for the sake of Christ.
Transforming Frames of Marginalization
By John Trotter | To what degree has society’s frame of reference on disability shaped the Church, ministries, and perceptions of who is or isn’t qualified for mission? How do we move people with disabilities from recipients to participants in God’s Mission?
A New Agenda: De-Americanization
Ministering transculturally requires letting go of “Christianity made in America” and contextualizing our faith in other cultures.
A New Agenda: De-Americanization
Ministering transculturally requires letting go of “Christianity made in America” and contextualizing our faith in other cultures.
International Crisis Situations: Preparing and Responding
Theresa Sidebotham, Esq. and Jessica Ross, Esq.