Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 17 - Issue 2
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Are National Schools a Viable Option?
A survey of 142 college-age MKs reveals the benefits and challenges of missionaries using national schools to educate their children.
Are National Schools a Viable Option?
A survey of 142 college-age MKs reveals the benefits and challenges of missionaries using national schools to educate their children.
Where Are We Going in MK Education?
Dramatic changes are occurring in missions and MK schools around the world. MK schools need to adapt to these changes.
Where Are We Going in MK Education?
Dramatic changes are occurring in missions and MK schools around the world. MK schools need to adapt to these changes.
Why Renewal Is Needed in Theological Education
Every day, through many means and in all parts of the world, God’s people are being equipped for ministry. At least 55,000 theological education by extension (TEE) students are studying in 360 programs in 80 countries.