Raising the Bar in Short-term Missions: Applying the Standards of Excellence

Raising the Bar in Short-term Missions: Applying the Standards of Excellence
Jenny Collins, Asst. Professor of Intercultural Studies, Taylor University
November 18, 2010

Key Words: Short-Term, Mission Trips, Missions Trips, Standards of Excellence, Raising the Bar

Description: This session focuses on how those who send and receive short-term missionaries can increase their effectiveness by adopting and implementing the Standards of Excellence (SOE) in Short-Term Mission.
Presenter: Jenny Collins is the Director of the Lighthouse International Service Learning program and an Assistant Professor of Missions at Taylor University, Upland, Indiana. She has been involved in short-term missions for 18 years and has served on the national committee for the Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Missions (www.stmstandards.org) since its inception.

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