Other Books Received

Other Books Received

Ande, Titre. 2010. Leadership & Authority: Bula Matari and the Life-Community Ecclesiology in Congo. Oxford: Regnum Books International.

Carlton, R. Bruce. 2010. Strategy Coordinator: Changing the Course of Southern Baptist Missions. Oxford: Regnum Books International.

Edwards, Don. 2010. Is Hearing Enough? Literacy and the Great Commandments. Pasadena, Calif.: William Carey Library.

Hamrin, Carol Lee, ed. 2010. Salt and Light: More Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China. Eugene, Ore.: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Kreeft, Peter. 2010. Between Allah and Jesus: What Christians Can Learn from Muslims. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

Nessan, Craig L. 2010. Beyond Maintenance to Mission: A Theology of the Congregation. Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press.

Steffes, Bruce. 2009. Medical Missions: Get Ready! Get Set! Go! Linden, N.C.: Bruce Steffes.

Steffes, Bruce and Michelle Steffes. 2010. Your Mission: Get Ready! Get Set! Go! Linden, N.C.: s3Ministries.  

Wahrisch-Oblau, Claudia and Fidon Mwombeki, eds. 2010. Mission Continues: Global Impulses for the 21st Century. Oxford: Regnum Books International.

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