Categories: Book Reviews, EMQ, Section, Volume 41 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Enjoy Afghanistan
When this book crossed my desk, my first notion was to regard the title as an oxymoron. But that description would do the compilers an injustice.
Expatriate Churches: Mission and Challenges
An exploration of the motivation, challenges, and validity of expatriate churches around the world.
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
Globalization and the Missionary Potential of International Churches
During the latter half of the twentieth century, globalization has caused the dispersion of millions of English-speakers to the ends of the earth.