Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 32 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Editorial: Our Collapsing Foundation
Years ago, the first time I shoved my way through the crowds to Speaker’s Corner in London’s Hyde Park, the speakers lived up to my anticipation. Virtually every religious and political dogma was extolled with evangelistic fervor.
His Ways Are Not Our Ways
Scripture shows that God has never been entirely predictable. Who could have foreseen his decision to wipe out most of humanity and start over with Noah and his family?
His Ways Are Not Our Ways
Scripture shows that God has never been entirely predictable. Who could have foreseen his decision to wipe out most of humanity and start over with Noah and his family?
Lone Ranger: Yes or No?
A look at the advantages and disadvantages of two tentmaker modes.
Lone Ranger: Yes or No?
A look at the advantages and disadvantages of two tentmaker modes.