Accelerating Church Planting Through the Strategic Use of Digital Media

Global Strategies Track | Workshop Set 5

Friday, September 30, 2022 9:00 AM


“Description It is estimated that 2.5% of any given population is open to spiritual change. So how do we find them? How do they find us? Apart from the Holy Spirit, this is an impossible task. In each generation, God equips His children with tools and opportunities, breathing a fresh vision and leading of His Spirit.

The early disciples had the Roman road to extend the gospel message to the nations and over a century later, Gutenberg’s press made the Bible accessible to the masses. In our generation, we have the Internet and Smartphones.

There is a unique move of God’s Spirit at work among the global mission community as hundreds of disciple makers are using digital media strategies to identify and engage seeking people in least-reached areas to accelerate church planting efforts.

In this workshop participants will: Understand the components involved in culturally relevant digital strategy Learn how digital media is being used among the least reached through case studies and updated metrics Evaluate your mobilizing, equipping and resourcing efforts as a sending organization Understand the Media to Movements ecosystem and the various “”orbs”” that are supporting hundreds of global media initiatives

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