7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 3 December 2023

By Justin Long

Join us in beseeching (δέομαι) the Lord of the Harvest this week for…

1. We praise God for the “religious revolution under way in the Middle East” (Economist). There are so many reports, some more open and some less, of Muslims who have become disenchanted with their current understanding of God, who are earnestly seeking the Truth. We pray that even in the midst of the terrible conflict in Gaza, many will be disenchanted with their current understandings and will come to seek the King of Kings.

2. We pray this week especially for the women who are paying such a terrible price in the wars. An Al Jazeera article exhorts us “not to look away” from the suffering of women in Sudan. Another terribly sad article tells of women who were raped during Ethiopia’s war, and who are now rejected by their families (Washington Post). Many similar stories of suffering by women can be heard from places ranging from the Sahel to North Korea. Let’s pray specifically for ministries to women by Kingdom workers—weeping with those who weep, lamenting the terrors, and finding ways to offer hope, healing, blessing, peace, redemption to these wounded.

3. We once again pray for new and innovative ways to access China. Last week I was inspired by the trial of 2-week visa-free access to China for six countries; now, a new article shares 5 ways to get access to China without visas (SCMP). At the same time, certain Chinese and US personnel are trying to increase the number of flights between the countries, in yet another sign of possible openness (Reuters). It’s not a “return to normality,” but perhaps a new normal that is not as completely closed as some (including myself) have feared.

4. We pray for peace and a swift end to the wars in Israel/Gaza and the Sudan. We pray for a just resolution, and for the hostages to be released. We pray especially for the Kingdom workers in the midst of these violent situations, who are trying to be a blessing to people, and facing considerable loss, grief, and uncertainty as they do.

5. We pray for Kingdom work seeking to expand in the midst of the instability found in the Sahel, and this week especially in Burkina Faso. Jihadist groups control about 40% of the country, and the military junta in charge is pursuing “total war.” Thousands of fighters are involved in the conflict and 4.7 million people (20% of the population) need aid & relief. “No member of my family can go and cultivate in our fields… and hunger killed the animals we raised… nothing comes in, nothing comes out.” We pray for the workers who labor to be a blessing despite the risks. We praise God for the spiritual openness amongst the peoples in the area, and pray that the Spirit would draw many to Himself. We know God promises to work in the midst of evil to bring out good; we pray that his work in the midst of the “raging of the nations” will result in many drawn to him. We pray especially that many modern “Sauls” will be drawn to become “Pauls.”

6. We pray for the many youth for Tigray who are fleeing to the Arabian peninsula. Due to a lack of food and limited job prospects, they are crossing through Djibouti to Yemen and on toward the Gulf states. Thousands are making this transit each month. Many will suffer difficulty and abuse along the way. Pray that they will encounter believers and discover Jesus.

7. We continue to pray for those caught by the civil war(s) in Myanmar. Over 2 million have been displaced, and new conflict fronts are opening up between Ethnic Armed Organizations and the army (link). As the violence increases in the border areas, there is a threat that it will spill over into India and China, and that either or both of those nations might get involved in some way. There is much Kingdom work in the area, and we pray for this to expand and bear much fruit.

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This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. Written by Justin Long, it’s based on the events listed in his Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. If you’re interested in his Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

Beyond, the agency we serve with, will be hosting a Night of Prayer for the Hindu World online on 28 November, from 8 to 9 PM Central Standard Time. It will be led by Beyond movement catalysts with long histories in the region. Join us to learn how God is at work, and to join others to intercede in specific, strategic prayers. Register to get the link here.

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