Training Confident Westerners to be Humble Participants in Multi-Cultural Teams (TR)

Training Confident Westerners to be Humble Participants in Multi-Cultural Teams (TR)

Thursday @ 3:30pm

The reality of multi-cultural teams is upon us and demands our attention if we desire missionaries from the West to be prepared to serve effectively in collaborative communities with members from all over the globe. The staff of Center for Intercultural Training is anxious to share some of the perspectives and techniques they’ve been employing. They’ll also share examples of how other organizations are training future and present missionaries for service on multi-cultural teams. You’ll experience participation in a currently-used learning activity and spend some time-sharing experience and perspectives that workshop participants bring to the table.

Tim Palmer

Training Facilitator
Greater European Mission/Center for
Intercultural Training

Tim has been with Greater Europe Mission since 2007. He has studied Mandarin and Gaelic and lived in Taiwan (as a student/English teacher) and Ireland (as a writer/evangelist). He was also Youth Minister at a Chinese church in Cary, North Carolina. Tim holds an MDiv from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC and a BA from Mercer University, Macon, GA. Not only is Tim a life-long PK, he and his wife, Melissa, are raising five MK’s. Many Saturdays you can find them at the soccer park or pulling for Liverpool FC. On date nights they like to browse bookshops in Asheville, NC, drink coffee, and listen to live music.


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