Webinar: The Role of Mission Organizations in Missionary Well-Being
Are sending organizations missing something key to helping cross-cultural ministers thrive? Seeing cross-cultural ministers thrive is important not only for these ministers, but for the Kingdom work our sending organizations exist for. Traditionally, organizations have engaged missionary well-being by addressing the internal stresses missionaries bring to the field (psychology) and the external context missionaries face on the field (culture stress). With these guiding lenses, limited attention has been given to the role of organizations themselves (culture, policies, leadership) in influencing missionary well-being. Addressing this gap, this webinar will draw on research from both the business world and interviews with field missionaries to discuss the influential role organizations play in the well-being of those they are sending.
Kimberly Drage is an Organizational Consultant & Coach with SentWell, an organization committed to holistic care for cross-cultural ministers. Through her experience serving on the field for 11 years in Southeast Asia and her research in Human Resource Management, Kimberly has developed a passion for missionary member care from a holistic-organizational perspective. For inquiries, please contact Kimberly.drage@novo.org