Tag: Middle East
Grados de asociación
A Re-Focus on the Local Church: Media Collaboration in the Middle East
Degrees of Partnership
Where are our missionaries?
A Fresh Perspective on the Insider Movement
The “insider movement” has received much attention in recent years and is often portrayed in ways that are polarized or misunderstood. Instead of repeating old…
Ethics & Discipleship in Honor-Shame Cultures
Westerners can falsely think, “Honor-shame cultures don’t believe in right and wrong!” But honor-shame cultures do indeed have a sense of morality; their basis for…
Rethinking the Question “Who is a Missionary?”
Rethinking the Question “Who is a Missionary?” in Light of 21st Century Diaspora Realities, with Implications for its Missionaries, Churches and Mission Agencies Today Clearly…
Ministry Evaluation Toolbox
Celebrate and sharpen your ministry’s impact through effective evaluation. Learn how to use four practical tools for evaluation (with minimal jargon). Discover how to meet…
Trends and Needs in Mission Training
This webinar shared results from a qualitative research study designed to understand trends and needs for North American workers living and serving in cultures other…