Mission in Motion
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Leader’s Edge (Missions/Ministry)
Mission in Motion: Speaking Frankly of Mobilization
Jay Matenga & Malcolm Gold. Publisher: William Carey Library, 2016.
298 pages
ISBN: 978-0878080557
This book is the result of a qualitative research project on mobilization that collected data from around the globe. The text was analyzed and a broad set of results were gathered under the headings of perceptions of mobilization, items that accelerate mobilization, and finally, items that retard or impede mobilization. A final section gives some suggestions about a way forward for the global missionary force. The book is filled with references to specific conversations to describe and highlight the research conclusions. It is not a prescriptive book but a snapshot of what is happening in global mobilization. What emerges is a picture of mobilization which is multifaceted (some might say lacking in focus) and seems to project the ongoing crisis in defining mission (and missions) today. At the same time, the continued commitment to the Great Commission is evident and encouraging.