Hispanic Realities Impacting America

Description: Hispanic Realities Impacting America
Hispanic Realities Impacting America: Implications for Evangelism
Daniel Sanchez, Associate Dean, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
June 19, 2008

This webinar will focus on facts and implications of the startling Hispanic Realities that are transforming the social, political, economic, and religious life of America today. The first reality deals with the explosive growth of the Hispanic population which has exceeded even the boldest projections of demographic experts.

The second reality deals with the rapid expansion of the Hispanic population across the nation. Many communities throughout the country now have new concentrations of Hispanics. Atlanta, for example, had less than 25,000 Hispanics in 1970 but now has over a third significant reality is the unprecedented response of Hispanics to the evangelical message. Several recent studies estimate that more than 20% of the Hispanic population now identifies with Evangelical/Protestant denominations. We will explore the striking implications for ministry, evangelization, discipleship, church starting, leadership development, and missionary deployment related to Hispanics in this country and other parts of the world.

Daniel Sanchez is Associate Dean of Masters Degrees and, Director of the Scarborough Institute for Church Planting and Growth, Roy Fish School of Evangelism and Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

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