Webinar: Frontier People Groups: Clarifying the Remaining Pioneering Mission Task


We have made tremendous progress in the 40 years since Dr Ralph Winter clarified that there were many thousands of “hidden” people groups with no churches, believers, or mission workers. Less than 7000 people groups are still “unreached” and many of these remaining UPGs have indigenous movements to Christ underway. But in some UPGs no progress is being made! Almost 25% of the world’s population live in just 400 largest “frontier” people groups—“frontier” because there are still no known movements to Christ among them so pioneering cross-cultural outreach is required. If indigenous movements to Christ are started in these 400 Frontier People Groups, 95% of the remaining frontier mission task will be done! Where are these groups, why have they not responded, and what will it take to persuade them Jesus is their savior too?

Presenter:  R W Lewis, Strategy and Research Associate, Frontiers International;  R W Lewis committed her life 45 years ago to fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant making sure that “all the families of the earth are blessed” through reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ. She and her husband helped to found Frontiers, and with their children, worked in North Africa and later India, where she was struck again by the billions with no witness among them.

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