Discipling the Heart of the Giver

Development Track | Workshop Set 1

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45 PM


Primary Audience Development professionals who value authentic generosity Description We live in an age of growing wealth and declining generosity. For many givers the solution is not simply more opportunities to give but a transformed heart to release more of what God has placed in their hands.

Join us for an exploration of how you might become a tool in God’s hands to encourage, cultivate, and even disciple givers with whom you have a relationship.

We will explore theological as well as practical perspectives that lead to more effective development: greater joy, deeper relationships and more resources released for Kingdom purposes.

Learning Objectives Developing an understanding of the life experience of givers Understanding the importance of the heart of the asker Differentiating between discipleship and fund-raising Acquiring practical tools to use in discipling givers to be increasingly generous 1.5 CPE credit hours // Personal Development




Todd Harper


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