Digital Migration and Mission Mobilization


The annual migration of 1.5 million wildebeest across the Serengeti has been described as one of the greatest spectacles of the natural world. The digital migration taking place with the next generation is larger and the stakes are higher for those of us interested in mobilizing cross cultural workers to bless the nations.

The 2013 survey of North American Mission CEOs revealed 60% of respondents viewed the recruitment of personnel as a top five internal issue likely to impact their organization. But only 28% believed they were fully or mostly prepared to address this challenge. A key factor impacting the ability of mission sending structures to capture the imagination of next generation Christ-followers is the level of digital engagement. Millennial’s are migrating like a massive herd of wildebeests from one platform to the next in surprising and often unpredictable patterns.

One of the reasons this migration is so challenging is the proliferation of new digital platforms and the diminishing time window for adoption. It took 75 years for the telephone to connect 50 million people. Radio reached the 50 million mark in 38 years. Television in just 13 years. 50 million people were using the Internet in four years. Facebook hit 50 million in 3.5 years. The Angry Birds app hit the 50 million mark in 35 days. The trend lines for adoption of new technology are not likely to change anytime soon.

In this month’s vlog Steve Moore shares five questions designed to help you begin thinking more intentionally and strategically about the Digital Migration and Mission Mobilization.

A streamlined version of last months’ vlog, Why “All In” can be All Wrong, is now available in the archives without the What’s Happening at Missio Nexus intro or the closing comments.

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