Author Interview: Ken Wilson

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book.

Author Interview

Where No One Has Heard: The Life of J. Christy Wilson Jr.

Ken Wilson. Publisher: William Carey Library, 2016.

170 pages
ISBN: 978-0878086313


Rarely do we have a book summary on a biography. However, the life and work of J. Christy Wilson should not be forgotten and needs to be re-introduced to a new generation of missionaries. This is a biography of the humble, adventurous man of prayer who helped launch the Urbana missions conference, and pioneered ministry in Afghanistan when others thought it impossible. In his second “career” as a missions professor, he mobilized hundreds of students into world evangelization, and reintroduced the biblical idea of “tentmaking” before it became a popular mission strategy. Because this book is a biography, we forego the normal summary categories to instead, lead you through the life of Wilson.

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Where No One Has Heard

Rarely do we have a book summary on a biography. However, the life and work of J. Christy Wilson should not be forgotten and needs to be re-introduced to a new generation of missionaries. This is a biography of the humble, adventurous man of prayer who helped launch the Urbana missions conference, and pioneered ministry in Afghanistan when others thought it impossible.