Author Interview: Len Tang

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book.


This edited book—the eight contributors of which are church planters, seminary faculty, and network leaders—seeks to give church planters and their teams tools to be theologically reflective, spiritually grounded, and missionally agile. These tools are grounded on the robust root system composed of a biblical theology of church planting, the spiritual formation of the planter, and intercultural competencies to navigate the church planting context. The book answers the following four major questions (followed by a corresponding brief answer): (1) “What roots does a church need to flourish?” (a biblical theology of church planting); (2) “How do we cultivate a missional spirituality?” (through the formation of the church planter); (3) “How do we embody the gospel in our context and culture?” (through missional competencies); (4) “How do we develop fruit that lasts?” (through faithful planters and fruitful churches).

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