Mission Agency Church Engagement

By Jennifer Holloran
(Chief Operating Officer, Wycliffe USA and Missio Nexus Board Member)

On February 10-11, 2020, representatives from 23 organizations came together for a consultation on mission agency church engagement. Most representatives indicated that they currently serve in church engagement, relationship, or partnership roles. Additionally, a pastor from a local church also participated.

The consultation had two facets: a missiological reflection on the Church and a conversation about practical realities in the past, present, and future as agencies strive to engage with local churches. The focus of the dialogue primarily centered on how agencies engage with North American churches rather than how agencies partner in ministry with local churches around the world. Representatives had the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from the wisdom of others. Through the consultation, the group identified principles for healthy church and agency partnerships.

You can access the full report here: Mission Agency Church Engagement by Jeniffer Holloran

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