2014 Fall Anthology

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Redemptive Risk

In travels along an open road in a closed country and by immersion in the secret waters of law-breaking baptism, the Great Commission takes us to risky places – geographically, organizationally, personally.

We follow Jesus in the way of divine love so dangerous that it spared not even his life.  Through the pages of Scripture, a theology of suffering and sacrifice emerges and culminates in the Gospel message, compelling us to serve a costly mission with faithful urgency in the face of dark times.

Redemptive risk combines business savvy with saving grace to create innovative evangelism tools.  It pairs active compassion with grit courage to advocate urban renewal.  And, humbled by the perseverance of those who have little comfort in this world, it dares each one of us to ask and pray: What is mine to do?


Anthology – Volume 2, No. 2
Table of Contents

Living Faith:  In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord
A Theology of Strategic Risk in the Advance of the Gospel by Mark Morris
Committed: The Criminal Act of Baptism by Charles Price
The Jesus Film App: Extending reach, Reducing Risk by Erick Schenkel & Scott Pendleton
A Call for Renaissance: Hard Questions for Dark Times by Os Guinness
Pain and Opportunity in Global City Movements by Raymond J. Bakke
The Syrian Eyes That Haunt Me by Lynne Hybels
Be Tenacious: My Family’s Immigrant Story by Eugene Cho
Why Costly Christianity is Essential to a Thriving Church by Steve Woodworth
Mapping Ministry to Unreached Neighbors by Chris Cooper
Building Strategic Agility: A Conversation with John Kotter
How the Gospel of Grace Empowers Risk-Taking by Tullian Tchividian

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