Understanding the Components to a Successful Mid-Career Assessment

Dr. Steve Hoke • Director of Team Development
Dr. Tom Wilkens • Consultant to Staff Development and Care Team, Church Resource Ministries

Have you ever despaired when promising mission leaders plateau and drop-out unexpectedly? Have you seen promising candidates never rise above the accomplishments of their first term? Have you seen other under-used and under-developed? What’s gone wrong in the harvest? Why don’t our most promising people always develop into our most productive people?

In response to the disheartening statistics from the first ReMAP attrition study in 1996, learn what how one mission agency discovered a transformative high-impact process that has ensured the retention of every missionary or couple to experience this group discernment process. Learn how your church or organization can adapt and implement this high-return people development process that stewards people as if they matter for maximum kingdom impact!

Learning Objectives

Upon participating in this webinar you will have…

  1. Discovered a strategic leader development process for mid-career missionaries that leverages their experience for greater kingdom impact;
  2. Explored three critical components of an effective Mid-Career Assessment
  3. Evaluated a proven, high return people development and stewarding process and its fit for your organization or church; and
  4. Discovered key resource people in the Missio Nexus network available to assist in implementing this and other Member Care and Leader Development strategies.
    Webinar originally presented 12/10/2015

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