Other Books Received

by EMQ editor

Balisky, E. Paul. 2009. Wolaitta Evangelists: A Study of Religious
Innovation in Southern Ethiopia, 1937-1975
. American Society of
Missiology Monograph Series. Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick Publications.

Fox Young, Richard, ed. 2009. India and the Indianness of
Christianity: Essaying on Understanding—Historical, Theological, and
Bibliographical—in Honor of Robert Eric Frykenberg
. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Gariepy, Henry. 2009. Christianity in Action: The International
History of The Salvation Army
. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Livermore, David. 2009. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New
Secret to Success. New York: AMACOM.

Nasser, David. 2009. Jumping through Fires: The Gripping Story of One
Man’s Escape from Revolution to Redemption.
Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Baker Books.

Ngewa, Samuel M. 2009. 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Part of the
Africa Bible Commentary Series. Gen. eds.Nupanga Weanzana and Samuel
Ngewa. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.

Nyenhuis, Jacob, Robert Swierenga, and Lauren Berka, eds. 2009. Aunt
Tena, Called to Serve: Journals and Letters of Tena A. Huizenga,
Missionary Nurse to Nigeria
. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Perry, Michele. 2009. Love Has a Face. Bloomington, Minn.:

Scott, Waldron Byron. 2009. The Renewal of All Things: An Alternative
. Eugene, Ore.: Wipf & Stock.

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