Mission Handbook 23rd Edition

Missio Nexus is asking for your participation in accumulating data for the upcoming 23rd edition of the Mission Handbook. Since the Missionary Research Library in New York City began collecting missions data in 1953, researchers have continued accumulating valuable information (e.g. trends in staffing, finances, activities) among missions agencies across North America. In recent additions, Canadian agencies have also been included to more fully represent the work of those focused on cross-cultural ministry in all of North America. Your agency’s participation in this 23rd Edition of the Mission Handbook will serve churches, educational institutions and future missionaries for years to come. This vital resource will be available in the fall of 2021.

Click here if you would like to see or purchase the 22nd Edition of the Mission Handbook. For a detailed synopsis of the handbook, you can read our Leaders’s Edge summary.

We have two different data collection methods for Missio Nexus members and Non-Members.

Data Collection: Non-Missio Nexus Members

We have created two ways for your agency to submit data for the 23rd Edition of the Mission Handbook. The questionnaire will collect information related to your agencies’ location, staffing and placement, basic finances and activities.

  1. Online Form This multi-step questionnaire allows you the ability to save and return to it as you add your information. You can also download the following spreadsheet, fill it out, and then transfer your data to the online questionnaire for submission.
  2. Spreadsheet You can download this Excel spreadsheet, fill it out, and transfer the information to the online questionnaire. If you are unable to transfer the information to the online questionnaire you can email a copy of the completed spreadsheet to hguinto@missionexus.org.

Data Collection: Missio Nexus Members

We are working on simplifying data for Missio Nexus members. Now instead of submitting a handbook questionnaire and a member data questionnaire they have been combined into one form.

  1. Member Data Form This multi-step questionnaire allows you the ability to save and return to it as you add your information. You can also download a spreadsheet, fill it out, and then transfer your data to the online questionnaire for submission, or email it to us to enter for you.
  2. If you are a member and have already started collecting data for the Mission Handbook form all of your data will be utilized in the new combined Member Data Form.

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