Missiographics Library
Flourishing Teams
The health and engagement of missionary staff is absolutely crucial to global evangelization. These cross-cultural workers are key players in what God is doing to reach the nations. Take a journey through some of the findings of GMI’s latest Engage Study of Missionary Engagement.
Resourcing the Mission with Living Water
Have you ever thought about how much of your regular giving goes to see those who have not heard learn about the Water of Life? While other ministries are very important and deserve our support, we should be attentive to our support of those who have not yet heard the Gospel.
New Harvesters
Every day new people around the world are being mobilized onto God’s mission in various ways. They are increasingly coming from countries where the Church is growing the fastest. Explore some of these new Harvesters and do the math to see the mobilization potential of your country!
AIDS: More To Do
In a world full of huge challenges, we all want to declare "Mission Accomplished," check things off our list and move on. Many have done just that with AIDS. But should that be our response? We have made so much progress, but there is still more to do in combatting AIDS globally.
The Other 3/4 of the Christmas Tree
If the world were a Christmas Tree and the lights showed the brightness of the Gospel witness, _ of the tree would seem very dark. Explore the world and those without a Gospel witness through the lens of a Christmas Tree.
Ukraine: Straddling Fault Lines
If you think the divisions and struggles within Ukraine are a new reality, itÕs time to take a deeper look. There have been deep fault lines within the area now known as Ukraine throughout history. But those divisions and struggles have not kept the Church from taking hold and growing. Explore what God is doing in Ukraine and the challenges it must overcome.
Tensions Influencing Missions Organizations
The world’s many priorities don’t always work in unison. Many times priorities create tension as they pull us in different directions. What are some of these top priorities facing ministry leaders and secular leaders? Explore them in greater detail and pray about how you and your organization should respond.
7 Stats You Need to Know to Serve the King in 2015
There are so many numbers floating around out in the world today. So what if someone told you that a group of 7 numbers might give you a point of reference for your service to the King of Kings in 2015? That is what this Missiographic is striving to do. Explore these 7 stats and how they help you understand your world as you seek to serve.
World Water Day 2015
Everyone needs clean water, but the challenge doesn’t stop there. We must go beyond clean water to equip the people of the world with sanitation and hygiene training and resources. Only then will they have a chance at the life God intended for them.
“Net” Worth of Fishers of Men
Which is more on your mind—your "net worth" or your "net" worth, that is, your value for Jesus' global project of "fishing for men"? Take a moment to explore the financial picture of global Christianity, so full of potential for God's mission and so little used for that purpose.
Top 40 Underserved and Unreached Places
There are so many amazing things happening as GodÕs people go out on mission. But still the need is tremendous. Where do you start when there is so much to be done? Well, this list of the Top 40 underserved and unreached places is a start. Take a look and ask God how you should respond!
African Readers Mark Their Place
There is growing opportunity and need for African Christian authors. As you explore the bookmarks on the story of African readership in three specific countries (Kenya, Angola and Central African Republic), consider the opportunities, challenges and points for prayer that exists in the African Church.
Stepping Beyond the Tents
Every 4 seconds someone is forced to flee their home. These refugees are vulnerable and without long-term options. Many struggle in significant ways. A few break through and start a new life. Get to know their situation and how you can help as you step beyond the tents.
God’s Big Heart for the Least
We tend to think in terms of "Better and Bigger." But is that how God thinks? God indeed has a big heart, but His big heart values everyone; including people and places we might consider to be small and out of the way.
Great Quotes on the Great Commission
As we go about the work of the Great Commission, we have the tremendous opportunity to draw on the wisdom and passion of past generations. In this unique Missiographic, you can explore some of the Great Quotes on the Great Commission.
Coffee Fuels More Than You Imagine
Join us around the table to talk about how coffee fuels so many things in life. But most of all, sitting down for a cup of coffee with friends fuels discussion and the chance to share our faith and spiritual journeys.