A Second Look: From Anywhere to Everywhere — Together!  
By Gary Corwin

Perspectives: Revisiting Ezekiel through the Lens of the Great Commission in North America  
By Mark Stebbins

In the 20/30 Gap: Adventures of an Urban Church Planter: The Gospel in the Concrete Jungle
By Sam D. Kim

Voices in the Local Church: The Challenge of Empowering Congregations for Mission
By Gentry McColm

Excellence in Missions: Four Ways to Keep Up with Change
By Gilles Gravelle

Orality in Missions: A Practitioner/Trainer Perspective on Orality
By Jerry Wiles



Scripture, Global Mission, and Black Swans
By Colin Bearup

The New Testament, Fiscal Strategy, & the Majority World
By Kent Good

Business Is Mission: An Integrated Model
By Ron Wismer

Evangelism in Asia: Developing and Living Out Relevant Theologies
By Deshabandu Adrian De Visser

The Workplace Priest: Activating Our God-given Identity as Priests at Work
By Scott Breslin

Co-Mission: The Sharing Economy & The Mission World
By John Heinz

The Dark Side of Diaspora Missions: Challenges for Korean-Americans
By Sunny Hong



A Trinitarian Theology of Religions:An Evangelical Proposal 
Gerald R. McDermott and Harold A. Netland. 

Beyond Literate Western Practices: Continuing Conversations in Orality and Theological Education
Samuel E. Chiang and Grant Lovejoy, eds.

Evangelical Postcolonial Conversations: Global Awakenings in Theology and Praxis 
Kay Higuera Smith, Jayachitra Lalitha, and L. Daniel Hawk, eds.

Global Diasporas and Mission  
Chandler H. Im & Amos Yong, eds. 

Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History, and Issues
Michael W. Goheen. 

Leading Multicultural Teams 
Evelyn Hibbert and Richard Hibbert. 

Millennials in Ministry
Jolene Cassellius Erlacher.

Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies
Gailyn Van Rheenen, with Anthony Parker. 2nd ed.

Starting Missional Churches: Life with God in the Neighborhood  
Mark Branson and Nicholas Warnes, eds.


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