How to Incorporate Honor-Shame Cultures in Short-Term Missions

Friday, 1:30 – 2:45 PM

Presented by: Werner Mischke

What’s your framework? Our framework for the mission of God helps determine our framework for short-term missions. We will examine a framework continuum. On the one extreme of the continuum is the legal framework (duty, responsibility, gospel solving problem of guilt). On the other extreme is the regal framework (honor, blessing, gospel solving problem of shame). Where is your mission team on this continuum? What’s your gospel? We will examine some principles about contextualizing the gospel. We will explore the myth of a culturally neutral gospel. Newbigin wrote, Every interpretation of the gospel is embodied in some cultural form. We will consider this principle: The gospel is already contextualized for honor-shame cultures(Jackson Wu). What are your tools? We will conclude with an introduction to evangelistic tools that use an honor-shame framework, including The Father’s Love Gospel Booklet and the GodTools app with Honor Restored.

Primary Audience: Mission trainers, mission trip leaders, mission pastors, trip organizers

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Since 2009, I have been on a learning journey about the dynamic of honor/shame in scripture and its significance for cross-cultural ministry. By God’s grace, I’ve had the opportunity to read and conduct research, to write on the subject, to introduce the subject of honor/shame (H/S) through numerous seminars and workshops, to create resources, and to teach collaboratively with two indigenous ministry partners. 
