Serving God in a Migrant Crisis: Ministry to People on the Move

Book Look

Serving God in a Migrant Crisis: Ministry to People on the Move

Available at Amazon and at InterVarsity Press

Patrick Johnstone with Dean Merrill. Global Mapping International, 2016.

Reviewed by Joshua Gorenflo, MDiv and M.A. theology student at Abilene Christian University.


Patrick Johnstone has spent a lifetime as a missionary evangelist in countries from Africa to Asia and the Pacific. While serving with Dorothea Mission in Africa, Johnstone began researching and compiling data on people groups which would birth Operation World, a resource with an untold impact on global missions. Johnstone now lives in England and serves on the leadership team of WEC International, a large pioneering church-planting mission. Johnstone brings this background to offer apt insight of the migrant crisis while insisting that the Christian response to the displaced can only be the hope of the gospel. 

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