A Believer with Authority – The Life and Message of John A. MacMillan
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Leader’s Edge: Missionary Biographies
A Believer with Authority – The Life and Message of John A. MacMillan
By Paul L. King
Christian Publications, 2001
289 Pages
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This biography covers the life of a multi-faceted Presbyterian layman, who printed the China Inland Mission’s (OMF) periodical, China’s Millions for years in Toronto before going to South China with the Christian and Missionary Alliance at the ripe age of 49 in 1923. There, he managed the mission press that produced the popular Bible Magazine. In addition, he taught at the Wuchow Bible school and regularly preached evangelistically in churches all over the province. In August 1926, he and his wife, Isabel, and their young son, were sent to the Philippines to give leadership to the struggling Alliance mission there, setting it on a path for healthy growth. As was the case in China, MacMillan wrestled with spiritual opposition, a lá Ephesians 6, laying the foundation for a strong Filipino national church. This on-the-field experience uniquely prepared him for future ministry back in North America.
Leader’s Edge
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