7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 3 March 2024

By Justin Long

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Join us in beseeching (δέομαι) the Lord of the Harvest this week for…

1. Pray Psalm 69:1-3 over Somalia: “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.” Last week, this article in the New York Times describes Somalia’s “year of crises”—threats of terrorism, the impact of famine, droughts, and floods, and the threat of war with Ethiopia have all roiled the nation. Gospel work within Somalia remains exceptionally difficult and dangerous.

  • We pray for the safety and perseverance of Somali Christians, and for strength and encouragement for them. (Consider praying Psalm 91).
  • We pray for open doors for the Gospel to enter into Somali hearts and homes, breaking down barriers of fear, misunderstanding, and hostility (Colossians 4:3).
  • We pray for workers and messengers in the area to be protected, effective beacons of Your love to the Somali people (John 17:15).

2. We pray for the spread of the Gospel in Iran. This week, an article in the BBC tells how women are facing renewed and aggressive enforcement of oppressive hijab rules. Their strong response is one of many examples of how people are disaffected with the regime; another is the widespread disinterest in the election, which most view as a farce. Iranians are abandoning Islam in large numbers, and some are turning to Jesus.

  • We pray for those disenchanted with the government’s policies and restrictions to find hope, truth, and community in the message of the Gospel (John 8:32).
  • We pray for the women of Iran suffering under oppressive laws and societal expectations, that you would help them discover dignity and freedom in Christ. (Galatians 3:28)
  • We pray for those facing the decision of whether to stay or leave their homeland—that God would guide them through their journey to find him, and make him their true home.

3. We pray for the spiritually oppressed of Central Asia. This article from RFE highlights the strong demand for exorcisms and release from demonic oppression in the Central Asian states. We pray for the peoples of Central Asia to be led to the only one who can truly give them freedom for the minds and spirits.

  • We pray for the spread of the Gospel in this region—that despite barriers, your Word would reach every heart and home. (Revelation 3:8, “placed before you an open door”)
  • We pray for those protection for the persecuted and oppressed—for opportunities to experience your love and grace (Acts 5:29, “We must obey God rather than human beings”)
  • We pray for the underground churches and secret believers, that they would be strengthened in their faith and find fellowship and support in one another. (1 Corinthians 16:13)

4. We pray for the Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers who have been trained to be witnesses for the Gospel, and for those who are training them. While the number of Filipinos OFWs declined during the Covid years, they have since rebounded and are being welcomed in many places around the world, where some will have significant spiritual influence.

  • We pray for their safety as they work abroad, often in challenging or dangerous environments, and for their families back home. (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
  • We pray for the seeds of the Gospel they plant in their workplaces and communities to grow and bear fruit. (1 Corinthians 3:6-7, “I planted, Apollos watered…”)
  • We pray for the networks and support systems among Christian OFWs to be strengthened, that they may encourage one another and grow in faith together. (1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”)

5. We pray for 67,000+ newly displaced in Mozambique as a result of new conflict with fundamentalists, and for the workers laboring to help them.

  • We pray for groups who will help with the provision of basic needs: shelter, food, water, and medical care for the displaced families. (Matthew 25:35-36, “I was hungry…”)
  • We pray for peace in the regions affected by violence and for a resolution to the conflicts that have caused this displacement. (Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers”)
  • We pray for strength, wisdom, and protection for the Gospel workers serving in these difficult conditions (2 Timothy 4:17, “The Lord stood by my side and gave me strength”)

6. We continue to pray for the traumatized of Sudan. This story in the BBC, “My mother’s body was left by smugglers in the desert,” illustrates the level of hurt, devastation and trauma experienced by the majority of the population.

  • We pray for healing for those who have experienced violence, loss, and displacement to find comfort and restoration in You. (Psalm 146:7-9, “He upholds the cause of the oppressed”)
  • We pray for effective and compassionate support for the traumatized. (Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens”)
  • We pray for a spirit of peace and reconciliation to spread throughout the country, healing divisions and bringing an end to violence.

7. We pray for the spread of the Gospel among the Houthi of Yemen. A number of articles this week are highlighting the impact of the Houthis on global trade. While many view them as a “problem to be solved,” we remember that God loves every person and longs for them to be reconciled to him. We pray for “Sauls to become Pauls” among them.

  • We pray for open hearts among the Houthi people, that they would be receptive to Your Word and love. (Ezekiel 36:26, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you”)
  • We pray for the safety and boldness of believers reaching out to the Houthi, that they would be protected and guided by Your Spirit. (Acts 4:29-30)
  • We pray for peace in Yemen, and for the conflicts that have torn the country apart to come to an end, so that healing and reconciliation can begin. (Matthew 5:9)

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Where do these prayer requests come from? This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. It is based on the events listed in my Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. If you’re interested in my Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

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