7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 28 January 2024

By Justin Long

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Join us in beseeching (δέομαι) the Lord of the Harvest this week for…

I am traveling to an international conference this week. I don’t have a Roundup this week, so I asked leaders at this conference to suggest prayer requests for these regions.

1. We pray for believers in the midst of the ongoing shaking in North Africa. Pray that believers rise up and don’t miss this opportunity. Pray for the churches to step out of their walls, workers to seize the kairos moment. Pray for the “Go North” initiatives to develop innovative approaches to successfully send intercessory prayer teams.

  • We pray for the ongoing major displacement of Sudanese populations across Africa. Imagine Khartoum – a capital city of 5 million – has been displaced. It’s a ghost town. The genocidal rampages taking place in Darfur, and people are fleeing in all directions. We pray for the refugees that have found themselves far from home, traumatized, not always welcomed or cared for.
  • We pray for the families affected by the Gaza war. Emotions, tensions, pressure, weight are all being felt especially by Arabs in the region. Pray that God will use the war and the many things endured for good.
  • We pray for Egypt and Tunisia in the midst of economic crises. Egypt’s currency has lost half its value in the past fifteen months; inflation is running rampant through the region. It makes it hard for believers (and everyone) to simply exist day to day.
  • We pray for the ongoing war in Libya and the east vs. west divide, which continues to perpetuate the crisis in that country.

2. We pray for the ongoing instability in the Horn of Africa.

  • Pray for the Lord to intervene and bring peace to the tribal and political conflicts in Ethiopia and the region. It has been very difficult to do road trips for ministry due to security issues and danger in doing so. Many vehicles are burnt, killing and robbery and high jacking people and asking for money has been very common.
  • Pray for the many refugees from Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia entering Ethiopia – pray for believers to be able to reach out to these refugees so they are blessed with Good News when they do return home to their people group.
  • Pray for the severe persecution of the church in Eritrea. Most of the work there is underground, and many believers are in prison. We pray for the endurance of the church, the release of these believers, and a change in the situation.

3 We pray for the spiritually hungry in India to discover the true Bread of Life.

  • The recent dedication of the Ayodha temple was a major event accompanied by celebrations in many villages and cities in the country. We pray that those who go on pilgrimage to Ayodha and other similar locations will be visited by dreams and visions of Jesus.
  • We pray for the many believers who are enduring persecution especially in the midst of the current climate of Hindu nationalism. Pray that these believers will have an opportunity to be a witness for Jesus. Pray that persecutors will be turned by the Spirit to the truth.

4. We pray for the upcoming election in Indonesia. We pray especially for charity between believers – there has been some division between those within the church over political candidates. In addition, we pray for peace and protection for the believers, as elections can, at times, be “exciting” (in the words of one leader from the field). There can be scuffles, demonstrations, and violence. Please pray for the believers to continue to be a witness in the midst of this time.

5. We pray for Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa:

  • Economic hardship bites harder in Nigeria as its local currency depreciates so badly
  • The Fulani Nationalist Movement FUNAM has threatened to declare a Jihad on the Nation if their President – Bello Bodejo who was picked up by unknown persons is not released immediately within 72hours. Meanwhile Government has said their President is not in their Custody. Pray that God will frustrate their schemes and that the government in power will be proactive in their response.
  • Over 200 violent attacks have been recorded across all six area councils of the Federal Capital Territory since President Bola Tinubu assumed office on May 29, 2023. The incidents led to the death of no fewer than 87 residents of the FCT, while 176 were kidnapped within the period. Pray against the rising tide of insecurity across Nigeria.
  • Pray that disciple makers and church planters will emerge in sufficient numbers to engage the remaining unreached peoples and places across our region using movement principles.
  • Ask for spiritual protection over all Missionaries, Mission Leaders and Leaders of the Church across the region in the face of rampant Kidnapping for ransom, violent attacks, and insurgency as they go about the mission of the Kingdom.
  • Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa plays host to 40 Unreached People Groups and 3 Least evangelized people groups, and all are found in the Northern part of the Country. Pray for deliverance of Northern Nigeria.

6. We pray for Burkina Faso and the Sahel, specifically:

  • Please praise God with us for the progressive break through we are seeing in access ministry and media among the Fulani
  • Please plead with us for: discernment and protection against attacks and infiltration from jihadi group.
  • – for the provision of felt needs for many internally displaced people particularly brethren (food, shelter, water/well)
  • – the provision of the long-term economic sustainability of Kingdom work in the area
  • – the effective finding and filling the gaps in our context of insecurity
  • – a breakthrough leading to movements of disciple makers across all the 21 countries of Africa where the Fulani people live

7. We pray for the many workers who are participating in various conferences, as they are in conferences and as they are returning from them. We pray especially for unity (John 17) and for safety as they return. We pray for wisdom and diligence as they follow up on the action steps they decided on in the conferences.

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Where do these prayer requests come from? This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. It is based on the events listed in my Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. If you’re interested in my Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

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