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Ten Commandments for Nationals from the Standpoint of Missionaries
I. Thou shalt not have any other objectives than the glory of God in building his Church in your own country.
Ten Commandments for Missionaries from the Standpoint of National Church Leaders
I. Thou shalt not have any other objectives than the glory of God in building his church overseas.
To evangelize is the first step, discipling the next, but the work of the church as described in the New Testament is much greater and requires much more than these final steps.
Ten Commandments for Missionaries from the Standpoint of National Church Leaders
I. Thou shalt not have any other objectives than the glory of God in building his church overseas.
To evangelize is the first step, discipling the next, but the work of the church as described in the New Testament is much greater and requires much more than these final steps.
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