By Andrew Feng and Nick Wu | Many missions organizations face two significant problems: limited capacity and ineffective stewardship. Embracing a digi…
By Evi Rodemann | Missions conferences around the world have played an important part in mobilising young people into long-term missions service. But …
By Ruth Hubbard | Gen Z has several positive and negative characteristics that may affect their willingness and motivation to engage in global mission…
By Jolene Erlacher | The people who comprise Gen Z in North America are growing up in a post-Christian society. This poses a significant challenge for…
By Anthony J. Gryskiewicz | Ministry to teenagers in continental Europe is less developed than in other parts of the world. While Western and Northern…
By Patricia Savage | As we at OneHope researched characteristics of Gen Z youth across the world, we discovered they have much in common. While nomina…