Church Planting Approaches in Tension: Traditional Versus Movements – Part 1

Friday, 1:30 – 2:45 PM

Presented by: Dave Coles & Don Little

Thirty years ago, a person ministering among unreached people may have hoped to plant a few reproducing churches in a lifetime. Now some missionaries hope to catalyze a movement with multiple generations of rapidly reproducing churches. Why this change in perspective? This will be a warm and robust discussion of traditional approaches to church planting versus movement approaches. We will describe the distinctives of the approaches, then discuss strengths and weaknesses of each. Ample time will be allowed for Q&A and discussion in the following session: Part 2. Participants will come away with a clear understanding of traditional and movement approaches to church planting, the advantages and fruits of each and concerns that have been raised about each as well as implications for missions strategy in the various approaches.

Primary Audience: Mission leaders, missionaries, pastors, mission pastors

Don Little
Dave Coles



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