Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation     

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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry

Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation*

By Susan L. Maros

IVP Academic, 2022 
240 pages 

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This book approaches the subject of calling with emphasis on the impact of social location (particularly racial-ethnic-cultural identity, socioeconomic status or class, and gender) on vocational formation. The book seeks to offer the space for the readers to reflect on their journey with an invitation to look at their contexts they have thus far experienced in their lives. The author writes with “two deep convictions: that God has been walking with you, utilizing your context to shape you, for the entirety of your life, and that, in pausing to reflect, you will see God’s fingerprints on your life with great clarity” (page 9). The book also offers themes that offer a context for intercultural and intersectional conversations about calling. 

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