Not Called: Recovering the Biblical Framework of Divine Guidance
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Leader’s Edge (Missions & Ministry)
Not Called: Recovering the Biblical Framework of Divine Guidance
By: Richard Kronk
Wipf and Stock, 2022
325 ebook pages
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This book appeals to a fresh look at the biblical data on the concept of vocational call, comparing differing definitions and descriptions of the call advocated by various denominations and mission organizations as a factor associated with religious vocation. To do this, the author reviews the current understandings of God’s call, summarizes the history of this concept in Western tradition, and discusses the range of challenges of this concept in light of biblical, cultural, and practical issues related to these understandings. Finally, the book reimagines what it means to be called of God that serves believers across the scope of national, cultural, and social strata now and into the future (page 16).
Leader’s Edge
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