Diversity in Missions: Moving From Color Blind to Color Blessed
Friday, 1:30 – 2:45 PM
Presented by: Brittany Gardner
Many churches and organizations recognize the need for diversity within their spaces, but few have thought through why the need exists. Before jumping into how to create thriving multicultural environments, we must examine the purpose of doing so. As we seek to glorify God and make His name known to people all over the world, we start by appreciating how He intentionally created each of us uniquely, yet bearing His image. We can then move to mobilizing Christ-followers from different sending contexts and address working together on multicultural teams for Gospel effectiveness. This workshop will help participants develop a framework for awareness around issues of diversity, reflect on historical factors within their church or organization that have prevented healthy multicultural partnerships, think about present structures in place and develop tangible action steps to move forward.
Primary Audience: People in organizational and church leadership roles.