The Fellowship of the Suffering: How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission

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Leader’s Edge (Spiritual Formation)

The Fellowship of the Suffering: How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission

Paul Borthwick and Dave Ripper

IVP Books, 2018, 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0830845309


The authors state that if we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate in his suffering. Borthwick and Ripper show how transformation through our personal pain enables us to minister faithfully to a hurting world. They candidly share about their own struggles and how they have seen God’s kingdom advance through hardship and suffering. Christians throughout history have become powerful witnesses to Christ as a result of their brokenness.

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