Missio Nexus Conferences

Missio Nexus is an association of Great Commission churches and organizations in North America that focuses on the global Great Commission. The Mission Leaders Conference is a collaborative gathering for deep relationships, shared learning, and innovation among those doing cross-cultural evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.


Network with Hundreds of Leaders in the Global Missions Community.

The unreached people group paradigm has been the strategic core of the global missions movement for 50 years.

  • What has happened since it was introduced?
  •  How do missiologists understand it now?
  •  What does the future hold for this theological paradigm?

Why is this conferenced needed?

Over the past few decades, a new role in the church has been formed: the missions pastor. Many churches have appointed a staff person to lead this effort. Churches have created teams, goals, and given these new leaders specific responsibility to lead missions in the local church.

Since the 1970s, a few thousand missions leaders have been appointed in churches. Has the church maximized the potential of a full-time missions activist on staff at a congregation? Does this leader and his/her team have the knowledge, tools, and relationship network to make this investment fruitful and effective? 

What can be gained by participating?

Church missions leaders can hear how others are solving similar problems to those they face. They can hear about best practices, strategy development, and be inspired by other leaders.

Conference Events

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previous conference media recordings

Race and Missions

Friday Morning Session    by James McGee III    This workshop will feature a frank discussion with workshop participants about the challenges and complexities of mission in the light of the racial history

How AI is Reshaping Missions

In an era where technology and faith intersect, AI and Generative AI can act as powerful catalysts in spreading the gospel and strengthening religious communities.

The Next 10 Years in Global Ministry

A decade holds significant changes and challenges. As we look ahead, many of us will experience life-altering events. Here’s a list of key global ministry topics that will shape the conversation in the coming years. These issues have a profound impact on missions worldwide, and we invite you to add your thoughts in the comments section. Let’s focus on the crucial aspects of ministry as we move forward.

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