Recent Developments from Capitol Hill, the Courts, and Beyond
Details: September 29, 2023, 09:00 AM ET
Workshop Track: MFA-Finance Administration & Legal
Primary Audience: Executive Leadership, Finance and Legal Officers
Much has changed over the last 12 months. In this dynamic environment, it is critical to stay current on legal, tax, and financial trends impacting your ministry.
Join ECFA President Michael Martin and Vice President Jake Lapp for an engaging discussion on the latest developments from Capitol Hill, the courts, and beyond.
Learning Objectives:
Consider how your ministry should respond to the latest developments
Cut through the confusion to understand what is really happening on Capitol Hill and in the Courts.
Learn from some of ECFA’s latest research and trends that impact your ministry
Meet the Presenters
Michael Martin
President and CEO
ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability)
Jake Lapp
Vice President Member Accountability
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