Developing Best Training Practices for Retention: What Current Attrition Research

Details: September 28, 2023, 03:45 PM - 05:00:00 PM ET 

Workshop Track: Training

Primary Audience: …missionary training personnel and mission leadership interested in in reducing premature turnover

New data is available on why missionaries leave the field and return home. How do we put it into practice in preparing new missionaries and offering continuing training for those already on the field?

This workshop will summarize the top 10 reasons for missionary attrition, and begin some key discussions on how we can address them through training. What are some of the issues that need to be addressed to keep workers healthier and on the field longer?

Prepare to contribute and learn from your peers as we investigate best practices in training that will reduce missionary turnover.

Meet the Presenters

Andre Sears

International Director


Andre Sears

International Director


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