Truth in Advertising: Balancing Idealistic Recruiting and the Realities of Missionary Service

Presented by: John Gilberts

Description: It’s a tension all industries struggle withÉ Our leaders are pressuring mobilizers to grow the organization and get more numbers in the front door while our trainers and field leaders are left scratching their heads over the na•vetŽ and idealism of some of the people who show up at orientation or even on the field. And then there is the new missionaries, who often find themselves dealing with a form of “buyer’s remorse”, feeling misled or even lied to about their new life and ministry. Can we partner better? Join us to discuss the challenges on both sides as well as to hear the truth of how our practices positively or negatively affect the organizational trust, effectiveness, and longevity of our newly mobilized missions force. The primary audience for this workshop is missionary trainers, mobilizers, strategy designers, and personnel workers.

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