Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 34 - Issue 1
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Translating; How to Avoid Pitfalls
I once heard an American telling a Romanian congregation that things are so bad in Cuba that each Cuban has a ration of only two pounds of beans per month. The translator, not knowing what pounds were, translated this as “two beans.”
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
Ministry to Cuba: The Right Questions to Ask
Cuba is the only country in the Western Hemisphere closed to resident foreign missionaries.
Ministry to Cuba: The Right Questions to Ask
Cuba is the only country in the Western Hemisphere closed to resident foreign missionaries.